Our collective field to lab to data analysis pipeline has reaped its first rewards. The mitogenomes of 137 specimens comprising 57 uniquely identified species, subspecies, and one known hybrid is now complete. Mitogenome data for Redband Trout, Rainbow Trout, Steelhead Trout, Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Coho Salmon, Reticulate Sculpin, Torrent Sculpin, Prickly Sculpin, Riffle Sculpin, Klamath Lake Sculpin, Klamath Marbled Sculpin, Marbled Sculpin, and Slender Sculpin have been sent off to researchers at USFS PNW Research Station and the Levi Lab at Oregon State University for analysis. Colleagues at USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station are using OBGP mitogenome data for Sacramento Sucker and Modoc Sucker to develop tools for environmental detection of these species in aquatic environments using eDNA. The future is now!
This is an amazing accomplishment on the part of everyone involved. Congratulations everyone! Now for phase 2: The final push to finish sequencing the mitogenomes of all of Oregon's resident fishes. We are already well on our way and should be done by this time next year. Engage!